Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I know it has been ages since I have posted last, but things have been quite busy.  This past week I went up to the mountains to see the leaves change with my parents.  We rented a cabin in Bryson City NC, and played around a bit and even went to Gatlinburg for some fun!  I came back with 6 magnets for the fridge...there was a magnet store, I finally found a NC one that I like to finish the CA - NC trip set.  Here are some pictures from the trip:

This is a shot of the living room of the cabin from the loft, it was a really cute place!

The stairs leading up to the place and the mountains in the background.

Momma and Pappa

On the way into the Great Smokey Mountains.

Tunnel on the way to Gatlinburg.

I likes me some leaves.

The backyard one morning.

One of my favorite waterfalls.

Yes, I know we look a lot alike...that is where I will get my balding from.

Somewhere in the Smokies.

A butterfly when we stopped to take pictures.

I love the colors, if we were there just one week later we would have seen more but they were still great!

Of course, I found something awesome...a salt and pepper shaker museum!!!  It is the only one in the world and has over 20,000 pairs, it was soooo coool!!!!


I loved the light bulb shakers.

On the way back from Gatlinburg some Elk came out to graze and we got some great pictures.

They were pretty cool, not salt and pepper shaker museum cool, but a good way to end the day.

Morning...me with coffee, Momma with hot cocoa.

The gang.

The view from the front porch.

Chris says I look like 'the predator' 

The trip was a lot of fun, we went to a lot of great shops and even a craft fair (Sorry Mr. Ramsey, try taking a fag to a craft fair and telling him to not spend money.) where I got some cool things!  Of course, I went waaaayyyyy off my diet, there was a pastry shop that had awesome sweets!  I even picked up a bottle of peach flavored wine which I think I may break into tonight.  ;)

Anyhow, I hope everyone is doing great, blog to you later!


  1. Love the pics! But you do know that the balding thing is inherited from your mom, right? Like if her dad was bald, you might have to worry. That's your fun fact for today. Looks like you guys had fun! Love the salt and pepper shaker museum!

  2. Sadly, I have done the research, and both of my grandfathers were bald...I have accepted my fate. Thanks for trying to give me hope though :)
