Monday, October 25, 2010


So, if you guys do not already know, I watch the tv show Glee.  I am finally caught up with the weekly airing of the show, because like most shows, I started watching via Netflix.  I like the show a lot (what queer wouldn't like show tunes and fancy dance numbers?) but the show is about to cross a line with me...

It is no secret that Rocky Horror Picture Show may be may all time favorite movie, the CD is always in my car and when I am feeling blue I put it in and sing at the top of my lungs.  Well this week Glee is going to be doing RHPS...normally you would think I would be cool with this with it being my fav and sir.  Glee has become this show that people of all ages gravitate towards.  It is doing extremely well and gaining viewers week by week.  When they do theme weeks, like when they did Britney, it was one of there most watched episodes they have ever shown.  What I am annoyed with is the fact that all of these idiots that watch Glee will see the amazing songs from RHPS and think that it is "cool."  What will happen then, is that one of these idiots will start to sing the songs and jump to the right during the Timewarp instead of the left as they should.  They will miss-quote lyrics. They will get characters names wrong.  They will turn this great piece of cult movie history into a watered-down insult to those who have been a fan of RHPS since they were 10. 

The first person to demonstrate such a travesty will experience my wrath...

1 comment:

  1. Hello?!? anyone home? No new posts for Halloween? I'm soooo disappointed.....
