Sunday, September 1, 2013

Of expected guests.

We had some annual visitors last night on the eve of our fantastic beach trip. We had a wonderful time playing/drinking with our guests...assign whichever label you would like with aforementioned guests. We then took all the pillows accessible and ran laps around the house while jumping into that pile...again, choose whichever guests you prefer to think about jumping in pillow pits...I was one for sure.

Britches was also a star of course.

Fun times, cosmos and pillow jumps.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Of new technology.

I have recently aquired a new mobile device, the Samsung galaxy S4. There has definitely been a learning curve as I have used HTC phones for the past 4 years. So far, I think this phone is freaking awesome!! The keyboard is a challenge,  but I am slowly learning to use it more efficiently.  Everything runs so much faster and the little things that is does blow me away. For instance, if I open a browser in Chrome on my phone is recognizes all of the tabs that I currently have open on my desktop at's like magic! The one thing that bothers me is that the comma is not its own key on the people really not care about proper sentence structure?! Anyhow, I still like the phone a lot and it is very interactive so maybe this will mean I will blog more!


Friday, May 17, 2013

of news of doom/joy?

I went to a Chinese buffet with some friends the other day and got a very strange fortune cookie...

I am not sure what it means really.  Ever since I got it I have been questioning my existence and thinking of becoming a Monk...such a life altering thing, fortune cookies.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

of wishes for a day of birth.

Hurray for Terry!!  Today is the day he came out of his mother!!!  Happy birthday to you!!!!!!

I'll put on my biker headgear just for you!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

of a point for humanity.

So it doesn't happen often, but yesterday I gained a small about of hope for humanity.  Chris and I were performing our normal weekend ritual of going to a movie (we saw Oblivion, it was really good actually) and while we were sitting in the theater waiting for the movie to start, that is when it happened.  We were chowing down on our 7 million calorie popcorn when a family of color walked in...not trying to stereotype here...there was a mother and about 4-5 kids, most of them were older, but there was a boy that was young.  Anyhow, as they are walking in, the mother equipped with an apple bottom and huge hoop ear rings turns to the young boy and says in a very audible tone: "Now, it doesn't look like there are any other kids in here, so you need to act right and keep your mouth shut." Chris and I almost applauded her!!!  She wasn't forceful or anything, and the kid was extremely well behaved also, there was a troop of young 20-somethings in the back of the theater that were quite annoying.  It was just a breath of fresh air to see someone actually control their child, especially in an environment were most people do not care what their children do.  Kudos to you lady!

Friday, April 12, 2013

of new eye-extensions.

I am in the market for new glasses and I heard about this website and figured I would check them out.  The site is Warby Parker and their whole thing is that they cut out the middle-man, so every regular pair of glasses is $95 and that is for the cost of the frames and lenses!  If you do not have glasses, that is a huge I could have more money for underwear!!  I know what you are thinking, they may not be well made, etc.  Well for that cost I am going to try a pair and see what happens, they also do sunglasses for around $200 which is a steal also.  They have a thing where you pick out 5 frames you like and they send them to your house for you to try on for 5 days.  I have done that, and so now you all will need to do some work.  I am posting the five that I chose, there are a couple that I do not like, and one or two that I like a lot...I am keeping my opinion to myself to see what types of responses I get.  Click on "LINK TO SITE" to go to the url for the same glasses on the site.  The lighting isn't great for the pics I took...I tried in a couple of rooms.....there must have been more that 19% light behind me, what do you think Catherine?

These are my current glasses - for comparison 
My glasses -side view

This is the bow they came in.

Preston blue maple - LINK TO THE SITE

Preston blue maple - side

Arthur green - LINK TO THE SITE
Arthur green - side
Catalina blue - LINK TO THE SITE
Catalina blue - side
Holt blue - LINK TO THE SITE
Holt blue - side
Whiskey Tortoise - LINK TO THE SITE
Whiskey tortoise - side

Well that was fun wasn't it?  Now please let me know what you think!!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

of a new title.

So I guess my work with my degree has finally started to pay off as last night I was inducted into the Sigma Gamma Epsilon national honors society for earth science and geology.  Total nerd, but hey, I am happy about it.  The best thing is that I can now put that on my resume.  Watch out world, here I come!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

of an updated number.

If you know me, then you will know what this means, the new number is:

209 pairs.

Deal with it.

Monday, April 8, 2013

of my worst fear almost.

I often have a fear at the gym...that I will be listening to something super embarrassing on my headphones and somehow someone will will see or hear said song.  Well today that almost happened.  I have bluetooth headphones and I listen to pandora via my phone while I workout.  Today while I was just about done with my workout, I got a message and somehow my phone got weird and turned bluetooth off, which it never does.  I'm not sure if it was just my quick reflexes, or if I was so panicked that I would be found out, that I was able to silence my phone very quickly.  If I had not done so, the whole cardio deck would have had a very loud rendition of the Rupaul remix of 'It's raining men' and they would have had no question as to why I was dance-jogging on the treadmill right before that....luckily survival mode kicked in.