Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So this Friday, Chris and I are going to have a "sudo-week early Thanksgiving dinner" with a few people from Chris' work.  One of the guys is Mike, the owner of the company and I have been to eat with them before but it was a much larger group than just 6 people.  I am not really nervous, but I wasn't excited about anything in my closet, aside from my underwear but I think I would get odd looks if I only wore those.  So, on Saturday we were at the movies, we saw Due Date btw, it was really funny, I would definitely recommend!  Anyhow, after the movie we went on a mission to find a dress shirt that I can actually stand being in, without feeling like poo...we went to the usuals, Gap, Banana, etc. but nothing really jumped out at me.  I remembered seeing a mannequin that was dressed nice in the window of express and so I figured why not try someplace new!  I went in and tried on a couple and instantly fell in love!!

The lighting is not very good, I am sure there is more than 15% light behind me or something like that....but the shirt is a very dark blue with light striping, I also got a skinny tie...you know, because I am getting skinnier :) and I love the look!  I have to say that I feel very powerful in this gettup!  The shirt is very well fitted and makes me feel very slim~!  I was telling Chris that since I now have a dress shirt that I don't mind, now we can go to fancy places, like the yacht club, or to Sunday brunch with the president...he has been bugging us about it for quite some time now.

I know that I really shouldn't have splurged on these two items, however, I feel I have earned it!  I have only been getting Starbucks like twice a week, and have been doing quite well with money wrangling.  I deserve a nice treat now and then, and if Mr. Ramsey gives me a dirty look, I will distract him with this...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Most of you that read my blog know that I have a serious addiction...underwear.  Well, I have done a recent count and the new number is 148 pairs.  When I tell people this, they start to freak out and say that they do not have anywhere near that amount, blah blah blah, I CAN justify the fact that I have so many! 

First of all, I have to say that I am not monogamous in my choosing of underclothes, I go all ways.  Boxers, briefs, boxer briefs, ahem...etc. Now, lets get on with it shall we?   


I do have seasonal pairs of underpants that are really only worn on their particular holiday so most of the year they stay on the bottom drawer, unless I feel like I want to wear them :)  Some of the holiday pairs are:
  • Christmas
  • Halloween
  • Valentines Day
  • Fathers Day
  • St. Patricks Day
  • The Forth of July
Vacation / Back to Work

I have a special pair that I call my vacation underwear that have vacation like scenes on them that I will always wear either the day before or the first day of the start of a vacation...seriously, ask Chris!  Then, I also have my pair of back to work undies which have men with briefcases and ties going to work.  I have to say that I do not like to see that pair because of their meaning.


Of course you all know that I frequent the gym, most of the time four days a week, and I will always shower and change when I get home.  So, because some of my pairs of underwear are pricey I will get cheaper pairs to wear to the gym.  Recently my favorite brands for the gym have been Old Navy's bc they make my booty look nice in my workout shorts ;)

Saucy pairs

I will not go into detail with this section, however I did want to mention them since I am justifying my 148 pairs and I want to be thorough.  I have a good number of saucy underoos which I will wear if I am feeling blue or for...certain occasions.  Ahem.

Lazy days

Of course there are those days when you do not feel like doing anything and you are planning on laying around the house all day long.  These pairs tend to be plain, boring, and uneventful.   


Now stick with me on this one because I may loose you.  You all know that I work retail, and if you have never worked retail then bless you and I hope you never do because you view people and their idiotic attitudes in a whole new way, however that is another blog altogether.  What I am getting to, is the fact that it is a stressful and annoying place to be, that is where the underwear comes in.  Ok, picture this, you just dealt with some ***** and you are walking it off when you realize that you have to use the restroom (stick with me) you go in, undo your pants and find cute little pigs, or rocket ships on your underwear and that just brings a smile to your face!  Trust me, it really works!!  I have talked a friend of mine into trying this, getting some really cute themed undies and seeing if they improved her mood and it worked!  Dont you think that if you wore the same old style of white briefs for weeks that you would just think of them as underclothes and not as.....medication?!?!  Seriously!!  People take anti-depressants all the time to improve their mood, maybe they should try underwear first, now I am not a doctor or psychiatrist, but I do know that it really does make you feel better.  I may be a fancy pair that cost you more that a 8 pack you pick up at wal mart for $5, but that means better quality, better fit, more confidence, the list goes on!!!  Try it, and tell me if it works for you, if it doesn't, then at least I helped expand your collection. 

Well, that just about explains a good portion of my collection, I am sure that I am missing something, I know that I cannot explain every pair that I have acquired, and I will be the first to say that I do purchase on impulse or because they are super-cute, but does that make me a bad person?  Think of it this way: there are people that collect stamps, salt and pepper shakers( I have proof!), lamps, cars, pretty much everything!  So why is it that I am looked upon as being crazy, when at least my collection can be put to use?! 

As more validation  I am going to post some links to some pairs that I was looking at the other day that I may purchase soon, try to tell me these are not awesome?!

Anyhow, I hope that now when you hear me talk about my underpants collection that you will think of this and not think that I am so weird.  Hopefully I have changed some peoples opinions and maybe even inspired one or two of you to go shopping :)  

Friday, November 5, 2010

Home invasion...

This story begins as I am on my computer in the living room (both of which I do not normally do) I was just minding my own business when all of a sudden I hear the sound of insect wings on glass.  At first I just thought that a fly had gotten into the house and that it was just trapped between the window and the blinds.  So, I kept on computing when I heard it again, and at this point it was starting to bug (no pun intended) me, so I decided to hunt out the insect and make it extinct.  To my surprise I turned around and upon the half moon windows that are above the main windows were wasps...plural...like 5 of them.  Well as any self-respected fag would do, I grabbed my dog and went upstairs and closed the door with a pair of jeans at the bottom to make sure that nothing would get under.  As I sat there watching tv, I got to thinking about how annoyed I was for having to forced into hiding and for whatever reason I figured I would take out my 'man-card' and deal with this threat myself.

I go downstairs and assess the situation, one was flying, which made me go on guard, the others four were just running into the glass like invalids.  Out to the garage I run only to find out that I do not have wasp killer or even a flyswatter.

I grab my keys and drive to the grocery store to buy liquid doom!  Side story here about how dumb some people are, I am in line checking out with ONLY the wasp killer:

Me : Hello
Cashier : Hey
Me: Do you guys have flyswatters? I couldn't find any.
Cashier: What for?
Me: ...................................*blank stare*.............................
Me: *I point to the only item I am buying, which happens to be for flying insects*
Cashier: Oh, no.
Me: Yeah, thanks.

Anyhow, I get back home and don my armor for the grand battle...a super heavy and thick jacket, winter gloves, jeans, and a magazine from the recycling bin.  So, now picture me dressed to kill...literally...in the kitchen psyching myself up like a football player would just before the big game:
"You can do this!" "You are so manly!" "You make more money than those dumb wasps!" "You can bench press more than them!"

I burst into the living room feeling like a king!!!!!!


Somehow while I was gone, those 5 puny wasps turned into 18!!!!!!   

As you can imagine, I was quickly deflated and ran right back out with my tail tucked between my legs!  How the hell is this happening?!  I know I can do this though, I CAN kill these invaders!  I call my mom and Chris and tell them I love them, and rush back in, I point Excalibur (Hot Shot for wasps and hornets) at this den of buzzing minions from hell and let loose............

In your mind please picture a 12 year old girl that just got front row tickets to see Justin Beiber in New York city...got it? Now use that high pitch scream when I explain what happened next....

Excalibur shoots (like a super-soaker) and these minions take flight, pissed as hell, flying in all directions, on a mission.......to kill me.  My spidey-sense took over and I (use it here) screamed and went running for my life.  I swear, I ran like they just announced a free underwear sale at the mall!!  I dared not turn around, I just ran outside and expected to see a swarm chasing after me, like in cartoons, but nothing.  Adrenaline pumping, still in my armor, I slowly creep back inside, not letting my guard down.  As I return to the site of the battle I saw a scene out of some zombie movie, all of them were flailing around on the ground and stinging at the air.  I took this as my chance and sprung into action, with my trusty magazine I extinguish their horrid lives, pausing only to make sure there weren't any that were trying to flank me. 

The dust settles and I am left panting, sweating, and full of testosterone.  I look to my left and see that there are three more in the fireplace...all the pieces fall into place.  There is a nest in the chimney!!  I am pumped so I immediately spray the whole front of the fireplace door and then open and spray the stragglers. Yank the flue closed and spray the perimeter of the opening.  Eighteen wasps dead.  A home saved from utter chaos.  

Mission accomplished.

As I stood and looked around, all I could see was a room filled with  the bodies of my foes.  I remove my armor and bask in the glory of victory.  

My man-card gets a new whole punched in it.

  I have a ways to go before I reach Chuck Norris status, baby steps...baby steps.

Monday, October 25, 2010


So, if you guys do not already know, I watch the tv show Glee.  I am finally caught up with the weekly airing of the show, because like most shows, I started watching via Netflix.  I like the show a lot (what queer wouldn't like show tunes and fancy dance numbers?) but the show is about to cross a line with me...

It is no secret that Rocky Horror Picture Show may be may all time favorite movie, the CD is always in my car and when I am feeling blue I put it in and sing at the top of my lungs.  Well this week Glee is going to be doing RHPS...normally you would think I would be cool with this with it being my fav and all...no sir.  Glee has become this show that people of all ages gravitate towards.  It is doing extremely well and gaining viewers week by week.  When they do theme weeks, like when they did Britney, it was one of there most watched episodes they have ever shown.  What I am annoyed with is the fact that all of these idiots that watch Glee will see the amazing songs from RHPS and think that it is "cool."  What will happen then, is that one of these idiots will start to sing the songs and jump to the right during the Timewarp instead of the left as they should.  They will miss-quote lyrics. They will get characters names wrong.  They will turn this great piece of cult movie history into a watered-down insult to those who have been a fan of RHPS since they were 10. 

The first person to demonstrate such a travesty will experience my wrath...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I know it has been ages since I have posted last, but things have been quite busy.  This past week I went up to the mountains to see the leaves change with my parents.  We rented a cabin in Bryson City NC, and played around a bit and even went to Gatlinburg for some fun!  I came back with 6 magnets for the fridge...there was a magnet store, I finally found a NC one that I like to finish the CA - NC trip set.  Here are some pictures from the trip:

This is a shot of the living room of the cabin from the loft, it was a really cute place!

The stairs leading up to the place and the mountains in the background.

Momma and Pappa

On the way into the Great Smokey Mountains.

Tunnel on the way to Gatlinburg.

I likes me some leaves.

The backyard one morning.

One of my favorite waterfalls.

Yes, I know we look a lot alike...that is where I will get my balding from.

Somewhere in the Smokies.

A butterfly when we stopped to take pictures.

I love the colors, if we were there just one week later we would have seen more but they were still great!

Of course, I found something awesome...a salt and pepper shaker museum!!!  It is the only one in the world and has over 20,000 pairs, it was soooo coool!!!!


I loved the light bulb shakers.

On the way back from Gatlinburg some Elk came out to graze and we got some great pictures.

They were pretty cool, not salt and pepper shaker museum cool, but a good way to end the day.

Morning...me with coffee, Momma with hot cocoa.

The gang.

The view from the front porch.

Chris says I look like 'the predator' 

The trip was a lot of fun, we went to a lot of great shops and even a craft fair (Sorry Mr. Ramsey, try taking a fag to a craft fair and telling him to not spend money.) where I got some cool things!  Of course, I went waaaayyyyy off my diet, there was a pastry shop that had awesome sweets!  I even picked up a bottle of peach flavored wine which I think I may break into tonight.  ;)

Anyhow, I hope everyone is doing great, blog to you later!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


For a while now I have been thinking of changing the things in my life that I am not happy or proud of.  I am not really sure what exactly acted as the catalyst for change, I just know that I am tired of feeling the way I do.

Chris and I are finally taking control of our money, it is no real secret that we like to spend it.  Well that is going to go the way of the dinosaurs.  Thanks to the book and Catherine and Terry recommended (Total Money Makeover) we are going to start making budgets, and truly becoming "gazelle-intense" like the book describes.  I think when it comes to Chris and I, that the shopping and impulse spending was largely due to me :) so I am taking a dose of reality and confronting my habit.........yes that means that I will not be buying any new underwear for a while!!  It will be tough, I am preparing myself for great withdraws but I know that in the end it will all be worth it.

I think, for me, my biggest regret is not finishing college.  I had been in classes ever since high school, I got my two year and then started focusing on my degree in Environment Science.  I was a bit into that when we decided to move to NC.  Well since I had to live here for a year so I didn't have to pay out of state tuition, that was put on the back burner.  Then, right when I could have started in this state we bought the house and things were A LOT different.  We were now paying double what we were used to paying at the apartment.  I am sure many people have stories like this full of explanations for why they stopped, I know that life throws curve balls at everyone, and I am not trying to say it was not my fault.  I just know that I am tired of feeling like crap for working in retail and am SO ready for a change.  I know that a degree will not guarantee me a better job, better pay, better life.  I just know that if I am moving forward with change, then maybe it will help this feeling of stagnancy.  I applied to UNC and they have a degree that is very similar to what I want to do, Earth Science, so I am hopeful.  It will be a couple weeks before I hear anything, I am just glad that all of my prerequisites are out of the way and I can focus on what I actually want to do.  One of my biggest worries all this time, and I think one that most retail environments try to brainwash you with is that I will most likely not be making as much money.  I make decent money, but a lot of the stuff that I want to do will likely make me less than this.  I am finally to the point now when I can say I don't care, if I can come home from a job that I love going to, that makes me happy, even if I take a pay cut it will be worth it.  Constantly, I am coming home in a horrible mood, bitching about this or that, and I am tired of living this toxic life.  I am sure it affects Chris because he, and Jamie, get the brunt of it.  I just know that if someone asks what I do for a living, it would be so great to say that I work on environmental issues as apposed to saying I sell hamsters and deal with idiot customers all day.

I am also going to start doing things that I have always had a passion for.  The biggest of those is working with blown glass.  I just found a guy that teaches basic and advanced glass working, with small torches.  This is the perfect way for me to start into this hobby!  His classes aren't the cheapest, but if it something that I love doing it will be so worth it!  And, if I am good at it, maybe I can sell the stuff!

His beginning class:

Introduction to Lampworking/Flameworking (HG100)     
This class focuses on:     
(1) Giving the students basic information regarding safety in the studio     
(2) Discussing the various types of torches and other tools used in the studio     
(3) Explaining the different types of glass commonly in use in the artistic     
glassworker’s studio     
(4) Exposing the students to the various types of glass work a lampworker can choose     
to become proficient in     
(5) Giving the students time for hands-on experience with hot glass, primarily     
learning to make a basic bead with soft glass     
The class is typically offered on a schedule of: two hours in the morning, a lunch break,     
then 3-4 hours after the break. Our intention is to schedule classes on Saturdays,     
primarily, but with the option of using a week-day if there is sufficient interest.     
Classes are limited to four students. Instructional fee is $190.00, and includes all     
materials and equipment necessary for a safe, educational, experience. A non-refundable     
deposit of $50.00 is required with registration. Withdrawal notice given two weeks or     
more before class date will allow you to apply your deposit to the fee for a later class.     

His other classes get more exciting, but I figure this one will let me get my feet wet :)  I have always been as an artistic person, and think this would allow me to express that in a manner that I think is amazing!

Now, with this costing money, school, and normal bills I know that you may be wondering how I will be doing this with the new budget and money makeover.  I think I may take up stripping...I have been going to the gym and have changed my body and think I could make decent money, I mean I am no Greek god, but I think I could at least make enough to cover the new things I want to do.  I will just need to get updated on my vaccinations and drink plenty of orange juice.......

Ok, well I hope you knew that I was just joking, however glamorous that does sound.  I am going to try to get another part time job though.  I am not sure what yet, because it will have to work around my PETCO schedule.  Another retail job would make the most sense, however I already hate people, I think another retail job, especially at a new place where I am at the bottom of the food chain, would make me even worse.  Right now I have certain freedoms and can basically make my own schedule.  I don't think I could work at a restaurant because I don't like touching strangers food, especially after they have already eaten some of it.  I was thinking working at a bank, because I have years of experience with money, but I think there would be too much conflict with my schedule now.  I am more leaning toward something that I would like, something that is away from what I am used to.  I love being outside and working, maybe working for a plant nursery, or on a farm?  I don't know, I am just thinking about this now, so I will keep you guys updated, if you have a suggestion please let me know!

I am also going to try to pick up new hobbies, the glass work has been top on my list forever, but nothing will be voted off now.  Chris has wanted me go do karate classes with him, well Chris, make the call! Catherine has made me interested in scrap booking, I want to learn more about cooking, gardening, soo many things!  I am not going to push them aside anymore, I am tried of living week to week in the same routine.

I have never talked so much about things like this because I have always felt embarrassed or nervous about what people would say about it.  Even if I still feel like that, I am glad that I am finally making a change and am going to start doing the things I want to, and living life to its fullest.  I hung a plaque in the house recently that says, "Don't get so busy making a living, that you forget to make a life."  I am going to live by that philosophy and not let anything get me down.  I am ready to experience new things and not be restrained by what people think.

Watch out world here I come!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh Fiddlesticks!

I am tired and so in lieu of posting something clever and witty here are some pictures I find funny...

Have a good weekend everyone!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

All good things and all that.

Well our wonderful week at the beach ended on Saturday.  We had one last evening with our traveling companions and then said goodbye on Sunday.  It will only be a few short months until Christmas is here and we will see all of their cheery faces again! 

The beach was amazing!  I wish that we could have stayed forever!  We had absolutely perfect weather and not a single drop of rain!  I have posted a lot of pictures on my facebook page so if you are interested in seeing them go check them out. 

Tomorrow is the first day back at the gym.............I have to say that I am very nervous to go in.  Melvin said that I should have eaten what I wanted and that my body has been trained to a point that it will not let me overindulge in bad food................................riiiiiiiiight.  I thought that I would be able to have more restraint, but alas, I took that restraint, dipped it in butter and ate it.  The awesome thing is that since I was weighed before I left, I will be able to see exactly how much I gained on this trip....great.  Aside from feeling like donkey poop on a stick from eating such foods, I have to say, it was sooooooo worth it! 

So tomorrow at 8:00am I will walk into the gym with my head held high and my gut sucked in and tell Melvin to piss-off if he gives me a hard time because all of the months of squash and plain chicken dinners was my payment for getting me a seat at the cool kids table where they eat butter and delicious things!


Friday, September 3, 2010


Today was the last day at the gym before the big beach trip and so Melvin did my evaluation of body fat etc.  I started working out with Melvin on March 17th, I normally go to the gym 4 days a week and work with him 2 days out of those.  It has been such a difficult and at times, seemingly impossible road.  I have to say that I am so happy that I decided to do this weight loss program because I feel so good about myself now!  I have more energy and am just in a more positive mood now.  I know that I have more working out to do and I have not yet reached the "6-pack" status (I call what I have my "4-pack") but I know that I will continue at it once I get back.  I do know that I have made drastic improvements since then!! 

So here are the results:

                         March 17th            September 3rd
Waist Size:            35 inches                 30.5 inches
Fat mass:              30 lbs.                      15 lbs.
Lean body mass:  84.4%                       91.0% (Higher is better)
Body fat:               15.6%                       9.0%!!!!!
Body weight!!!!    195 lbs.                    167 lbs.!!!!!!!!!!!

Overall I have lost about 9 inches off of my body and around 28 lbs. of fat!!!!

I am so thankful for Melvin's guidance, and am so looking forward to the beach tomorrow!!  I am going to cheat this week and eat what I want to, I am not going to go too crazy but I feel I earned it :)  Thanks for everyones help and encouragement along this journey, it has really meant a lot to me!!!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Movie Review - The Expendables

I told Chris that there was absolutely no way I would go see this movie with him, however the promise of breaking diet and eating movie theater popcorn broke my fragile spirit; the movie in question was The Expendables.  Now, you all know me, and know that I am DEFIANTLY one to call out the elephant in the room.  This movie was, quite possibly, the worst pile of garbage I have ever seen in my life...and yes, I have seen Twilight, and Indiana Jones 4

I should have known something was terribly wrong when the opening credits were rolling and the film was written and directed by Sylvester Stallone...oh, and he is the main actor.  Magical.  Touching on the actors, it was supposed to be awesome because all of these famous action actors were all together on the same movie and that has never happened before.  Well most of them are ancient now, Sylvester and his over collagened lips were probably the worst of the bunch.  In some parts they actually had to speed up the reel so it looks like he was actually running and doing damage to a foe.  He is also so hard to understand when he talks so most of the movie I was trying to translate his grunts and slurs.

The actors that would have made sense to put as more important characters like Bruce Willis, whom has a ton more actual skill when it comes to acting, had such a small part in comparison.  Jet Li was still good, but he has been in peak condition his whole life and probably only eats rice.  Jason Statham was the other main character and he is very easy on the eyes...which is one of the reasons why I didn't just get up and walk out...that and my weird quirk of having to see something all the way to the end. 

Angel from Dexter was supposed to play an evil dictator from this island...keep your day job detective.

There was plenty of blood, explosions, horrible punchlines, fake looking graphics, and lots of knives and axes gong into bad guys that looked really dumb.

I suppose I shouldn't go into too much detail as I may ruin this wonderful film..........................................................................*cough*.......................................................................

If you couldn't tell by now...I didn't like the movie.  This is however, just my opinion...I invite you to go see this atrocity and then tell me just how much I am right. 

I think if i was asked if I wanted to see this movie again I would have to say that I would rather hang out with these people...
Enough said.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I think I am in love!!!

Here is a warning, if you are drinking something...swallow, if you have heart problems...look away, everyone else............brace yourselves~!

The little things in life...

Since I am strange and have odd quirks...stop giving me those looks Chris...I figured I would tell you all about the little things in life that really make me smile.

The first thing is truly a classic that always makes my day, when you get out a new roll of paper towels or toilet paper and you have to pull the first sheet to get it unglued...that action of undoing it just makes me so happy~!

You know when you first open a new bar of soap and set it in the shower, while you get wet the bar gets a little moist, well that first use of the bar where it is just sooo soapy and new is such a great feeling :)

While driving, especially if it has been a while, if I put in my Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack CD...pure bliss!!!

This should come as no surprise to most, but if I am having a bad day at work and I go to potty, a cute pair of underwear just makes me smile and not feel so bad.  Also buying new pairs of underwear of course :D

This one is one that Chris is annoyed by, when I am eating dessert especially peanut butter, if I just took the last bite of whatever I like to drink milk DIRECTLY after swallowing.  Chris will try to steal my cup or something like that just to make me mad and I will have to keep the food in my mouth until I am able to get my drink back.  The feeling right afterward of drinking is just so refreshing though!

Anyone who has Netflix knows exactly what I am talking about with this one...when you go to get the mail and there are Netflix there, especially if there are a number of them there!!!

*Blushes* Drinking milk from the gallon ;)

I have a lot more but I may save those for another post, I was thinking of posting some things I hate however I feel that the list would be pretty long...one thing that I feel is most likely my top thing that just makes my skin crawl is cotton balls..........the feeling of ripping them apart in particular..............the worst feeling ever!!!  I just got goose-bumps thinking about it!!

Horses scare the sh*t out of me also, one killed Superman...you do the math.

Anyhow, I hope you guys have a great Thursday!  I hope I haven't weirded anyone out, if you guys have little things that make you happy post it too!  Maybe we can adopt each others oddities~!

At least I am way cooler than this guy.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Gym grannies...

As with most Mondays, I head to the gym first thing, something was strange today though.  I went as usual and there were a lot of new faces.  Of course the usual suspects were there; the steroid junkies, the large black women with tweety bird shirts, the guys that think they are thin and wear wife beaters although they really should not, a few people caught my eye today though.  There was a cute little old granny that was using weight machines!  Now I am not saying grannies should not be using them, its just that you don't normally see that.  I smiled at her as I walked by and I just wanted go give her a hug because she reminded me of my Grandmamma.  She was grannied up to the max too!  She had the typical granny fro, gold shoes, the only thing that was missing was a large floral print purse. 

Sai was there also, she is another older woman that works out with my same trainer.  Every time she sees me she comes over and talks to me and asks how my workouts are going.  She is such a sweet lady, and for her age I have never seen anyone else use barbells and do bench presses! 

There is also an old dude with hardly any hair and has to be in his 70's, that is totally hardcore!  He could probably beat me in a weight competition.

I guess the moral of today is the fact that I always thought of people working out the younger generation, however I am pleasantly surprised at how much grannies and grandpas actually work out.  I really do like going to the gym, it helps me relieve stress and feel really great about myself.  I know that I really started going a lot more was because of this beach trip but I know that I will continue to go afterward...probably not as much, but I will still go.

Speaking of the beach, I cant tell you how excited I am!  Per my phone countdown it is only 10 days, 9 hours, 56 minutes, and 43 seconds away!!  I really do think that I am more excited about shattering every diet rule I have been following so strictly for the past couple months!!!  Potatoes, pasta, liquor, desserts!!! I just wet myself thinking about it!!!!!

Here are some grannies for your viewing pleasure~!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's time for a post

Well apparently I am breaking some code that I have to blog more often so I guess I should update. 

Yesterday was hot! Our air conditioner, yet again, crapped out on us.  It is the original one for the house before the addition was added onto the back of the house so it just isn't strong enough to cool the whole thing.  This time it was a tiny wire that comes out of the house and into the air unit outside...not really sure how it broke...there wasn't any burnt up wildlife that had chewed the wire, well at least I didn't see or smell any.  Chris went out there with all his manly tools and messed with it for a while before he was able to fix it.  At least we didn't have to pay for someone to come out to look at it.  I would like to reiterate that Chris Marlatt was the manly one, I was eating veggie sticks and using my iPad the whole time........ :) 

When I got back from the gym I could tell that the air was not functioning and I totally did not want to stay in the hot house all day, so I called Jamie and we had a shopping day ;)  I got some new shoes, some clothes, and had a yummy salad from Chili's.  I even ate 12 tortilla chips!!! 

I know, I like to live on the edge. 

I also helped Jamie pick out "big girl clothes" for her pregnancy.  When we were leaving the cashier told me congratulations and I had to restrain myself from telling her.............why she is so wrong.

We went to a party at Gillian's house last weekend and had an absolute blast!  Her sisters were over from England and were just as hilarious as she is!  I drank a half a bottle of wine and was pretty drunk, I now realize that since I have stopped drinking so much because of the diet that I have reverted back into a light weight!  Really though, I think that in my next life I need to be British.  I was able to use some of the terms that Gillian has been teaching me too!  Chris was there also and said that he actually had fun too.  It is a huge difference going from a dinner with Chris' co-workers talking about servers and how cool the Internet is, to an evening with some of my people having fun and being drunk off our asses and laughing so hard our cheeks hurt!

Ok, well I am going to go eat some yogurt now, I hope that I have posted enough and I promise that I will try to post more so I don't get any spankings.

Here is a random picture from my computer, have a great evening everyone and don't leave your pants on show! 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Technology Free Tuesday Evening.

I was talking with Chris the other day and brought up the fact that we are so caught up in technology.  Just the other day we ate dinner while watching tv, then sat there and I was on my iPad and Chris was on his laptop and neither of us were actually watching the show.  I was listening to a segment on NPR a week or so ago and a family did something just like this and it seems like a great idea.

So, the plan is when Chris gets home from work, all cell phones, laptops, iPads, tv, anything electronic goes off.  We will only answer our phones if work or something huge is happening.  We are going to eat dinner in the DINING ROOM!  Normally this room is only used for guests and special occasions...not tonight!  We are going to enjoy each others company and try to start breaking our dependence on these evil brain sucking devices..........

Now, I am not crazy.  I like my tech toys.  We will be back using said zombie boxes, I just want one night where I am not worrying about my virtual crops wilting away, or whether or not there has been a new comic posted on my favorite website.  Tonight it is all about the Chris'. 

Sorry in advance if you try to get in touch, we will be busy acting like the Amish...well sort of.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Movie Review

We went and saw the movie Salt yesterday, and it was actually pretty good.  It had good twists and exciting action scenes, but one thing really bugged me...when Angelina was running (which happened often) she looked awkward.  It was almost like she had never ran before in her life.  Chris thought so too, it wasn't just me.  I mean, I know she has tons of money and can buy babies from whatever county she wants, but the chick cant even run. 

I am also extremely proud of myself because we bought popcorn, as we usually do, and I only had one bite of it!  Normally I will consume about half of the bag, but I was good yesterday!  I did have sour patch kids, but they are fat free! 

At the beginning of the day Melvin tried to kill me, however my butt feels booty-licious today!!! I feel I should mention that is due to the workouts he had me do...

More fun is that spell check cannot figure out the word booty-licious :)

Anyhow, I hope everyone has a great Sunday!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Gym...

On Wednesday I had a training session with Melvin, and told him that we are getting close to the beach.  Because of this, he has changed my workout routine.  I am now supposed to focus only on core exercises. 

He said, "from now on when you are not working out with me just do those core sets and I don't want you to leave the gym until you have done 200 reps."

Now core exercises, are sit-ups, push-ups with the medicine ball, the roman chair, the ab solo, etc.  If you haven't noticed a theme yet, all of these are exercises that target your abs, and truly make you feel like you would rather drink bleach than do 200 reps.  Today was the first day of such torture and I have to say, I thought it would suck worse than it did.  I guess all of the stuff I have been doing up until now has really prepared me for the rough stuff.  Ask me tomorrow and I may have some other choice words for you, but for now I feel great.

I do have a training session with Melvin at 9:30am tomorrow, so if I do feel like donkey feces I will be sure to let him know :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hello Friends and Strangers...

So, I figure that I should give this whole blog thing a shot.  I'm not sure how it will turn out, at the very least anyone who reads it should know that they are wasting part of their life reading about mine.  Also, I am going to apologize in advance to all religions, most ethnic affiliations, all sporting events, gun enthusiasts, to Martha Stewart, fishermen, all political parties, ferrets, magazine vendors, cat people, Jesus, the elderly, anyone who rides a vespa, the heterosexual community, anyone that drives a vehicle, bread and butter pickles, people that cut their grass too much, gangsters, the color mauve, cottage cheese, Nikita, mechanical pencils, rocks in my shoes, the roman chair, mops, Time Warner Cable, my trainer Melvin, uncooked toast, my family, my friends, and pretty much anyone or anything else in the world for possibly making fun of you or what you stand for...because that's how I roll.