Tuesday, September 14, 2010

All good things and all that.

Well our wonderful week at the beach ended on Saturday.  We had one last evening with our traveling companions and then said goodbye on Sunday.  It will only be a few short months until Christmas is here and we will see all of their cheery faces again! 

The beach was amazing!  I wish that we could have stayed forever!  We had absolutely perfect weather and not a single drop of rain!  I have posted a lot of pictures on my facebook page so if you are interested in seeing them go check them out. 

Tomorrow is the first day back at the gym.............I have to say that I am very nervous to go in.  Melvin said that I should have eaten what I wanted and that my body has been trained to a point that it will not let me overindulge in bad food................................riiiiiiiiight.  I thought that I would be able to have more restraint, but alas, I took that restraint, dipped it in butter and ate it.  The awesome thing is that since I was weighed before I left, I will be able to see exactly how much I gained on this trip....great.  Aside from feeling like donkey poop on a stick from eating such foods, I have to say, it was sooooooo worth it! 

So tomorrow at 8:00am I will walk into the gym with my head held high and my gut sucked in and tell Melvin to piss-off if he gives me a hard time because all of the months of squash and plain chicken dinners was my payment for getting me a seat at the cool kids table where they eat butter and delicious things!


1 comment:

  1. If you wear that outfit to Christmas, you're not allowed to sit at the cool kids' table. Also? Wow.
