Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hello Friends and Strangers...

So, I figure that I should give this whole blog thing a shot.  I'm not sure how it will turn out, at the very least anyone who reads it should know that they are wasting part of their life reading about mine.  Also, I am going to apologize in advance to all religions, most ethnic affiliations, all sporting events, gun enthusiasts, to Martha Stewart, fishermen, all political parties, ferrets, magazine vendors, cat people, Jesus, the elderly, anyone who rides a vespa, the heterosexual community, anyone that drives a vehicle, bread and butter pickles, people that cut their grass too much, gangsters, the color mauve, cottage cheese, Nikita, mechanical pencils, rocks in my shoes, the roman chair, mops, Time Warner Cable, my trainer Melvin, uncooked toast, my family, my friends, and pretty much anyone or anything else in the world for possibly making fun of you or what you stand for...because that's how I roll.


  1. You soooo lost me on uncooked toast. It's masquerading as bread, dear. hee hee
