Sunday, August 8, 2010

Movie Review

We went and saw the movie Salt yesterday, and it was actually pretty good.  It had good twists and exciting action scenes, but one thing really bugged me...when Angelina was running (which happened often) she looked awkward.  It was almost like she had never ran before in her life.  Chris thought so too, it wasn't just me.  I mean, I know she has tons of money and can buy babies from whatever county she wants, but the chick cant even run. 

I am also extremely proud of myself because we bought popcorn, as we usually do, and I only had one bite of it!  Normally I will consume about half of the bag, but I was good yesterday!  I did have sour patch kids, but they are fat free! 

At the beginning of the day Melvin tried to kill me, however my butt feels booty-licious today!!! I feel I should mention that is due to the workouts he had me do...

More fun is that spell check cannot figure out the word booty-licious :)

Anyhow, I hope everyone has a great Sunday!

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