Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's time for a post

Well apparently I am breaking some code that I have to blog more often so I guess I should update. 

Yesterday was hot! Our air conditioner, yet again, crapped out on us.  It is the original one for the house before the addition was added onto the back of the house so it just isn't strong enough to cool the whole thing.  This time it was a tiny wire that comes out of the house and into the air unit outside...not really sure how it broke...there wasn't any burnt up wildlife that had chewed the wire, well at least I didn't see or smell any.  Chris went out there with all his manly tools and messed with it for a while before he was able to fix it.  At least we didn't have to pay for someone to come out to look at it.  I would like to reiterate that Chris Marlatt was the manly one, I was eating veggie sticks and using my iPad the whole time........ :) 

When I got back from the gym I could tell that the air was not functioning and I totally did not want to stay in the hot house all day, so I called Jamie and we had a shopping day ;)  I got some new shoes, some clothes, and had a yummy salad from Chili's.  I even ate 12 tortilla chips!!! 

I know, I like to live on the edge. 

I also helped Jamie pick out "big girl clothes" for her pregnancy.  When we were leaving the cashier told me congratulations and I had to restrain myself from telling her.............why she is so wrong.

We went to a party at Gillian's house last weekend and had an absolute blast!  Her sisters were over from England and were just as hilarious as she is!  I drank a half a bottle of wine and was pretty drunk, I now realize that since I have stopped drinking so much because of the diet that I have reverted back into a light weight!  Really though, I think that in my next life I need to be British.  I was able to use some of the terms that Gillian has been teaching me too!  Chris was there also and said that he actually had fun too.  It is a huge difference going from a dinner with Chris' co-workers talking about servers and how cool the Internet is, to an evening with some of my people having fun and being drunk off our asses and laughing so hard our cheeks hurt!

Ok, well I am going to go eat some yogurt now, I hope that I have posted enough and I promise that I will try to post more so I don't get any spankings.

Here is a random picture from my computer, have a great evening everyone and don't leave your pants on show! 


  1. Aw, congrats on becoming a daddy!

  2. YEAH! Another nephew/niece? We're so excited for you. How many weeks?
