Sunday, April 21, 2013

of a point for humanity.

So it doesn't happen often, but yesterday I gained a small about of hope for humanity.  Chris and I were performing our normal weekend ritual of going to a movie (we saw Oblivion, it was really good actually) and while we were sitting in the theater waiting for the movie to start, that is when it happened.  We were chowing down on our 7 million calorie popcorn when a family of color walked in...not trying to stereotype here...there was a mother and about 4-5 kids, most of them were older, but there was a boy that was young.  Anyhow, as they are walking in, the mother equipped with an apple bottom and huge hoop ear rings turns to the young boy and says in a very audible tone: "Now, it doesn't look like there are any other kids in here, so you need to act right and keep your mouth shut." Chris and I almost applauded her!!!  She wasn't forceful or anything, and the kid was extremely well behaved also, there was a troop of young 20-somethings in the back of the theater that were quite annoying.  It was just a breath of fresh air to see someone actually control their child, especially in an environment were most people do not care what their children do.  Kudos to you lady!

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