Friday, January 7, 2011

of Tron and being katzenjammered...

Over the weekend Chris and I made our weekend voyage to the movie theater, something that we have not done in quite some time, to catch a movie.  We saw Tron and I was a little skeptical at first because a lot of people were saying that it was not that great and that the only good parts were the special effects and such.  I have to say though, I thought it was really good!  The effects were really amazing, of course, but the story wasn't bad either.  13 was in it from House, and I think she played her role perfectly.  I like her, it is sad that she left House, but it seems her movie career may be on the rise bc she is in another movie that is coming out...Cowboys and Aliens.....yeah, you read that looks good/interesting actually.  I digress, Tron made me want to visit the land inside my computer and ride motorcycles made of light...or carry my whole life in data plugged into my back...hmm, maybe not.  Seriously though, all their info right there for people to snatch, you would think that with all of their advances and flying ships and what not that they could condense those disks down to a thumb drive you could put in your pocket.  I guess I am being too efficient, just call me seven-of-nine.

The music from the movie was great also, I think I may have to go to iTunes and  see about downloading it.  Yes, I am one of those people that gets soundtracks from movies.  If you turn your nose up at such an act, poo on you!  Some of my favorite songs come from soundtracks, a lot of them are classical in nature, the ones form Tron were very digital and I think would make great workout mix.  I totally need to update my iPod, I have had the same techno mix on there for a couple months now and you can only listen to certain songs so many times before they are not motivating anymore. 

I have a widget on my phone that displays the word of the day from and today's is katzenjammer which means the discomfort and illness experienced as the aftereffects of excessive drinking;hangover.  How come we don't use this word more?!  I love it way better than saying you have a hangover~! 

Dude, I am so katzenjammered right now... 

I think I may get drunk tonight, just so I can use that phrase tomorrow!!!

Ok, well I think I am done rambling for now.  I am going to start my random picture at the bottom of a blog again, I have been very negligent in my duties of late. 

Ta-Ta dearies~! ;D


  1. so what happened to the beeyotch who ignored your doggie and my sweet Britches? Do I need to come to come down and lay a whoop ass on her?

  2. you left me to watch it with Mr. T in the theater? what about your Man-date? UGH....well at least the music is good.
