Tuesday, June 21, 2011

of a missing voice and the delusions that accompany it.

Since this end of last week I have been diseased.  A plague on my house, a curse of the damned, a vile bastard of an illness. 

Ok, so I am being a little dramatic, but I HATE being sick!  Really the only symptom I have is my voice which went from bad, to gone, to phone sex operator, to 3 carton-a-day smoker.  I can yell at Moose ( probably bc I have to do it so often) and am able to speak to people, I just get that weird look and then..."are you sick?" Uh, no, I traded my voice with Macy Gray...morons.  Sorry, when I am not feeling well I get more sarcastic and moody.  Ask Chris.  The most annoying thing is that I have been unable to go to the gym.  I don't think it would be great to lift weights while exhaling like a cross between Marge Simpson and Danny DiVito.  Bottom line is this thing needs to go.  I am on antibiotics and hope that soon it will exit, stage right. 

In unrelated, and totally random news, I got new underwear~!  I need to do a new count as I am fairly certain I have breached the 150 mark. 

Another random bit of advise, watch the show on the history channel, "Swamp People" you will not be disappointed!  It is about alligator hunters in Louisiana....hunting alligators.  I know it sounds lame, but it is actually really funny and interesting all at the same time.   

Ok, I need to go take some more medicine. I will leave you with this picture, it made me laugh a lot...or at least made me exhale air without sound.....if this medicine doesn't work I am drinking bleach.


  1. Please don't drink bleach it might make that voice permanent! Sorry you are sick. Have some Whisky with some honey each night before you go to bed too....it'll help with all sorts of things, including whatever infectious disease you have.

  2. Dude, bleach might kill the infection, but it might also kill you. I'm not sure if that's part of the game plan. Maybe we should talk about this.

    Also, if you can't go to the gym, then you should just get someone to go in your place. It'll work like osmosis. Or maybe I'm not really clear on the concept of osmosis. Just get a volunteer and see how it plays out. All I know is that I'm calling NOT IT first.

  3. Thank you ladies, I will take your advise and stay away from the bleach...however the whisky doesn't sound like a bad idea at all ;D
