Monday, May 21, 2012

of my lack of bloggitude.

     As usual, I have been told that I need to end my blog silence as people actually look at this every once in a while, my bad ya'll.  What is new?  Well let's see, today is the day that I emerged from my mother like a rainbow colored butterfly full of sarcasm and nerdlyness.  It seems like it was just yesterday when I was a cute "little" thing running around screeching like a lemur and playing video games until I was told it was time to eat...wait, was that yesterday?  I guess some things never change.  Anyhow, things around the Casa de Chris have been running smoothly, we had to get a new lawn-mower because someone (not me) broke the old one and apparently it can not be saved.  The new one is bigger and more powerful or something like that, I really just nodded my head and looked at the pretty flowers while Chris was talking about them because mowers are about as exciting as watching the elderly sword fight...wait, that might be fun actually.  We also got a new grill, more exciting, food involved, and an outdoor table and chairs.  We have never really had a set of these outside so it is really nice to go out there in the evening with an adult beverage and relax.  We just need to do something about the bug situation...I want to get a bug zapper, but am not sure if that is too hillbilly, or white trash.  You know how you see them in movies in that type of setting...maybe it is just me.
     Uh, my Dr. Who fetish curiosity has really gotten the better of me.  To the point of I have now seen every episode of the most recent series (6 seasons, 82 episodes) and called the cable company to make sure that we get BBC America so I can watch the new season when it starts.  I have also now started getting Dr. Who "things" for the house...nothing gaudy, or weird...just little things.  I am really into the books now too, because I can't watch any new shows, I might as well get my fix that way...oh my, I sound like a drug addict.  Maybe this is a sign...A weird thing about the books is that they are written by British people, obviously.  But I never really noticed it in the shows but British people spell things really weird!  I know from my friend Gillian at work that there are a lot of differences in spelling, but wow!  I just hope that I don't damage my brain with all of the books that I have now, slowly mutating me into some British hybrid. 
     I am out of class for the summer, well half of it anyhow.  I got an A in the one class I took in the spring, good job brain!  I am taking Environmental Geology in the second summer session, and then taking a few more in the fall.  It looks like it will be another long period of classes Monday through Friday and then work most evenings until Christmas...hang in there brain, we will get through this!
     Television seems to remain a major source of consuming a lot of our evening and weekend time, slowly draining all of our life force and turning our brains to jello entertainment, we started and finished a new series, 'The Event' which was pretty good, but we are not certain if they are making any more episodes.  'Man Men' is back on which is always a good thing.  Some of the episodes so far this season have been pretty depressing though.  Glee is almost over. Go ahead, get the laughing out already, but are you really that surprised?  My gay butterfly inner-core couldn't pass up watching a drama about kids singing show tunes!!  But yeah, some of the kids are leaving this year because they are "graduating." Can I call BS on this please?  I mean seriously, these kids are not kids at all, most of them are in their 20's, and it is time to get them out of there, or at least to a more believable age anyhow.
     Speaking of my gayness trendy fashion style, a couple of months ago, I bought a bow-tie...and I have to say, I think I can pull it off pretty well!  I have only had it on once so far, and the picture that was taken was not the best because I was extremely moderately intoxicated at the time.  I will have to take a better picture for you all soon, that just means I need to pull out my handy youtube video showing me how to tie it, don't hate! ;)
      Well, I think I have caught you up on enough things for now, I will try to post more, even if it is more 'normally always against blogging' partner is really putting me to shame with his tumblr recently.  No promises, but I will try.  Later gators!

1 comment:

  1. The silence has been broken, thank you! Love the photo...we still need to solve the gnome situation huh?
