Thursday, August 26, 2010

I think I am in love!!!

Here is a warning, if you are drinking something...swallow, if you have heart problems...look away, everyone else............brace yourselves~!

The little things in life...

Since I am strange and have odd quirks...stop giving me those looks Chris...I figured I would tell you all about the little things in life that really make me smile.

The first thing is truly a classic that always makes my day, when you get out a new roll of paper towels or toilet paper and you have to pull the first sheet to get it unglued...that action of undoing it just makes me so happy~!

You know when you first open a new bar of soap and set it in the shower, while you get wet the bar gets a little moist, well that first use of the bar where it is just sooo soapy and new is such a great feeling :)

While driving, especially if it has been a while, if I put in my Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack CD...pure bliss!!!

This should come as no surprise to most, but if I am having a bad day at work and I go to potty, a cute pair of underwear just makes me smile and not feel so bad.  Also buying new pairs of underwear of course :D

This one is one that Chris is annoyed by, when I am eating dessert especially peanut butter, if I just took the last bite of whatever I like to drink milk DIRECTLY after swallowing.  Chris will try to steal my cup or something like that just to make me mad and I will have to keep the food in my mouth until I am able to get my drink back.  The feeling right afterward of drinking is just so refreshing though!

Anyone who has Netflix knows exactly what I am talking about with this one...when you go to get the mail and there are Netflix there, especially if there are a number of them there!!!

*Blushes* Drinking milk from the gallon ;)

I have a lot more but I may save those for another post, I was thinking of posting some things I hate however I feel that the list would be pretty thing that I feel is most likely my top thing that just makes my skin crawl is cotton balls..........the feeling of ripping them apart in particular..............the worst feeling ever!!!  I just got goose-bumps thinking about it!!

Horses scare the sh*t out of me also, one killed do the math.

Anyhow, I hope you guys have a great Thursday!  I hope I haven't weirded anyone out, if you guys have little things that make you happy post it too!  Maybe we can adopt each others oddities~!

At least I am way cooler than this guy.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Gym grannies...

As with most Mondays, I head to the gym first thing, something was strange today though.  I went as usual and there were a lot of new faces.  Of course the usual suspects were there; the steroid junkies, the large black women with tweety bird shirts, the guys that think they are thin and wear wife beaters although they really should not, a few people caught my eye today though.  There was a cute little old granny that was using weight machines!  Now I am not saying grannies should not be using them, its just that you don't normally see that.  I smiled at her as I walked by and I just wanted go give her a hug because she reminded me of my Grandmamma.  She was grannied up to the max too!  She had the typical granny fro, gold shoes, the only thing that was missing was a large floral print purse. 

Sai was there also, she is another older woman that works out with my same trainer.  Every time she sees me she comes over and talks to me and asks how my workouts are going.  She is such a sweet lady, and for her age I have never seen anyone else use barbells and do bench presses! 

There is also an old dude with hardly any hair and has to be in his 70's, that is totally hardcore!  He could probably beat me in a weight competition.

I guess the moral of today is the fact that I always thought of people working out the younger generation, however I am pleasantly surprised at how much grannies and grandpas actually work out.  I really do like going to the gym, it helps me relieve stress and feel really great about myself.  I know that I really started going a lot more was because of this beach trip but I know that I will continue to go afterward...probably not as much, but I will still go.

Speaking of the beach, I cant tell you how excited I am!  Per my phone countdown it is only 10 days, 9 hours, 56 minutes, and 43 seconds away!!  I really do think that I am more excited about shattering every diet rule I have been following so strictly for the past couple months!!!  Potatoes, pasta, liquor, desserts!!! I just wet myself thinking about it!!!!!

Here are some grannies for your viewing pleasure~!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's time for a post

Well apparently I am breaking some code that I have to blog more often so I guess I should update. 

Yesterday was hot! Our air conditioner, yet again, crapped out on us.  It is the original one for the house before the addition was added onto the back of the house so it just isn't strong enough to cool the whole thing.  This time it was a tiny wire that comes out of the house and into the air unit outside...not really sure how it broke...there wasn't any burnt up wildlife that had chewed the wire, well at least I didn't see or smell any.  Chris went out there with all his manly tools and messed with it for a while before he was able to fix it.  At least we didn't have to pay for someone to come out to look at it.  I would like to reiterate that Chris Marlatt was the manly one, I was eating veggie sticks and using my iPad the whole time........ :) 

When I got back from the gym I could tell that the air was not functioning and I totally did not want to stay in the hot house all day, so I called Jamie and we had a shopping day ;)  I got some new shoes, some clothes, and had a yummy salad from Chili's.  I even ate 12 tortilla chips!!! 

I know, I like to live on the edge. 

I also helped Jamie pick out "big girl clothes" for her pregnancy.  When we were leaving the cashier told me congratulations and I had to restrain myself from telling her.............why she is so wrong.

We went to a party at Gillian's house last weekend and had an absolute blast!  Her sisters were over from England and were just as hilarious as she is!  I drank a half a bottle of wine and was pretty drunk, I now realize that since I have stopped drinking so much because of the diet that I have reverted back into a light weight!  Really though, I think that in my next life I need to be British.  I was able to use some of the terms that Gillian has been teaching me too!  Chris was there also and said that he actually had fun too.  It is a huge difference going from a dinner with Chris' co-workers talking about servers and how cool the Internet is, to an evening with some of my people having fun and being drunk off our asses and laughing so hard our cheeks hurt!

Ok, well I am going to go eat some yogurt now, I hope that I have posted enough and I promise that I will try to post more so I don't get any spankings.

Here is a random picture from my computer, have a great evening everyone and don't leave your pants on show! 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Technology Free Tuesday Evening.

I was talking with Chris the other day and brought up the fact that we are so caught up in technology.  Just the other day we ate dinner while watching tv, then sat there and I was on my iPad and Chris was on his laptop and neither of us were actually watching the show.  I was listening to a segment on NPR a week or so ago and a family did something just like this and it seems like a great idea.

So, the plan is when Chris gets home from work, all cell phones, laptops, iPads, tv, anything electronic goes off.  We will only answer our phones if work or something huge is happening.  We are going to eat dinner in the DINING ROOM!  Normally this room is only used for guests and special occasions...not tonight!  We are going to enjoy each others company and try to start breaking our dependence on these evil brain sucking devices..........

Now, I am not crazy.  I like my tech toys.  We will be back using said zombie boxes, I just want one night where I am not worrying about my virtual crops wilting away, or whether or not there has been a new comic posted on my favorite website.  Tonight it is all about the Chris'. 

Sorry in advance if you try to get in touch, we will be busy acting like the Amish...well sort of.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Movie Review

We went and saw the movie Salt yesterday, and it was actually pretty good.  It had good twists and exciting action scenes, but one thing really bugged me...when Angelina was running (which happened often) she looked awkward.  It was almost like she had never ran before in her life.  Chris thought so too, it wasn't just me.  I mean, I know she has tons of money and can buy babies from whatever county she wants, but the chick cant even run. 

I am also extremely proud of myself because we bought popcorn, as we usually do, and I only had one bite of it!  Normally I will consume about half of the bag, but I was good yesterday!  I did have sour patch kids, but they are fat free! 

At the beginning of the day Melvin tried to kill me, however my butt feels booty-licious today!!! I feel I should mention that is due to the workouts he had me do...

More fun is that spell check cannot figure out the word booty-licious :)

Anyhow, I hope everyone has a great Sunday!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Gym...

On Wednesday I had a training session with Melvin, and told him that we are getting close to the beach.  Because of this, he has changed my workout routine.  I am now supposed to focus only on core exercises. 

He said, "from now on when you are not working out with me just do those core sets and I don't want you to leave the gym until you have done 200 reps."

Now core exercises, are sit-ups, push-ups with the medicine ball, the roman chair, the ab solo, etc.  If you haven't noticed a theme yet, all of these are exercises that target your abs, and truly make you feel like you would rather drink bleach than do 200 reps.  Today was the first day of such torture and I have to say, I thought it would suck worse than it did.  I guess all of the stuff I have been doing up until now has really prepared me for the rough stuff.  Ask me tomorrow and I may have some other choice words for you, but for now I feel great.

I do have a training session with Melvin at 9:30am tomorrow, so if I do feel like donkey feces I will be sure to let him know :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hello Friends and Strangers...

So, I figure that I should give this whole blog thing a shot.  I'm not sure how it will turn out, at the very least anyone who reads it should know that they are wasting part of their life reading about mine.  Also, I am going to apologize in advance to all religions, most ethnic affiliations, all sporting events, gun enthusiasts, to Martha Stewart, fishermen, all political parties, ferrets, magazine vendors, cat people, Jesus, the elderly, anyone who rides a vespa, the heterosexual community, anyone that drives a vehicle, bread and butter pickles, people that cut their grass too much, gangsters, the color mauve, cottage cheese, Nikita, mechanical pencils, rocks in my shoes, the roman chair, mops, Time Warner Cable, my trainer Melvin, uncooked toast, my family, my friends, and pretty much anyone or anything else in the world for possibly making fun of you or what you stand for...because that's how I roll.