Friday, December 21, 2012

of the dead and dying.

We have had a number of trees in our backyard that have past their prime/have fallen over/were an embarrassment to the title of tree.  We got a number of quotes from people but they were all very high, or doubled when they actually came to do the work.  Finally, Chris found a group from a friend of ours that used this company to dispatch trees at their house.  That being said, the tree reapers came and did their work, it was pretty cool to watch them do it actually.  They cut down 10 trees total , most of which were huge, difficult, and very much dead.  The cost was just about right....if you call paying hundreds of dollars to cut down things right.  Here is the aftermath:

Your time here is done trees, rest in peace pieces.

Friday, December 14, 2012

of a loss of ho, ho, ho.

This time of year really makes me lose my Christmas spirit...for those of you that have not worked in retail, I doubt you understand my lack of joy.  There are people constantly angry, stressed, annoyed, etc. and they tend to take it out on the workers at the store.  "You don't have the right color dog bed." "This toy in a half inch too big."  "I only want one of these and it comes in a pack of three."  On and on, these people are driving me crazy!  I get it, it is stressful buying things for people, but if you get like this then buy your stuff earlier, or go online and stop all of the hassle!

My personal favorite is when someone is buying their child an animal for Christmas.  They are all like, I want to buy this hamster/guinea pig/lizard and I want you guys to keep it here at the store until Christmas eve when I will come pick it up....uh, no.  When I tell them we do not do that, they are shocked!  What do you mean you don't hold animals here?!  Well bit** honey, if we did that, we wouldn't have room to walk in the store, so take your freaking hamster and go hide it in your closet next to your $5000 Neiman Marcus coat.  People are crazy!

I was having this discussion the other day while having dinner at a friends house that respect and general kindness are really disappearing.  This is a whole long topic for another day, I just felt like venting a little about how much I love working retail during the holiday season.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

of FL pride.

So I am thinking of getting a new tattoo, what do you guys think?

Let me know so I can make an appointment.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Of the power of my opinion.

I will admit that I have not always been a voter, and it has only been recently that I have really taken the matter seriously.  Nonetheless, I prepared myself for the cold (high of 48 degrees today comrades) I also brought my flashcards for paleontology as I am figuring there will be a huge line, mentally prepare myself and take off.  My voting place is at a middle school, I park, and start walking up.  Of course there are the nut jobs that try to convince you to change your mind at the last second, so I football dodge (sorry Terry, I don't know the appropriate terminology) the political pantywaste, and make it inside.  So far, so good! No line out to my car...sorry flashcards.  I now football weave (still don't know it) around little kids and make it to the polling line at all!! I literally walked right up and cast my vote! Ah, my opinion matters.  Now I will not go into detail as to who I voted for, let's just say I picked the candidate that best reflected my people, the homo-gays that is. I still cannot get into picking all the random judges and crap, I mean there were 5 pages of people to sort through...I will admit, I ended up picking people who's names sounded the coolest to me...go ahead, start your criticism. I just can't keep up with all that other stuff.

Anyhow, my decision had been made, so off I went. I do feel very proud to vote, and am glad that I went when I did.  Now, the actual events of walking up and dodging people and what may be a little on the exaggerated side, but we are talking about politics here, and what is politics if not exaggerated?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

of a fantastic movie.

Chris and I went to see a movie last night, I had never really seen a trailer for it, I was just more excited about the popcorn.  Let me just tell you, it was one of the best movies I have seen in a while!  It is a little confusing at first, but has the perfect mix of old, new, humor, science fiction, and drama.  Watch the trailer and then go watch the movie, honestly, you will be very happy you did!


Saturday, November 3, 2012

of the color gold and the spoken word.

It is no secret that I like coffee, Starbucks, and shiny things! Well, when I heard about the Starbucks rewards program and the fact that when you reach enough points they send you a card with your name engraved on it, let's just say my shiny-senses were tingling.  So here I am showing off my new friend!

I am also experimenting today with the function my phone has for me to talk into it and it will type for me.  I use the function every once in a while, but it does not always work that great.  Still, it will be a much safer option when I am on the run.  So if you see me driving and talking to myself you can assume that it is from me blogging....or the caffeine....or I am singing showtunes at the top of my lungs.  This is most days actually.  It's a requirement of being a card holder, not Starbucks, I'm talking about my gay card...which I have had a considerable amount longer and is much more shiny.

Until next time.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

of many delinquent thoughts.

As usual, I have been called out for my lack of blog.  So here I am to right the wrongs of my said lack.  I have recently downloaded the mobile app for Blogger and I will try to post more often.  For now I will attempt to shake my head around and pour out some of the thoughts that have been rattling around in there.

I was at the gym the other day (of course all the good stories come from the gym) and I was running on the treadmill, minding my own business, reading my latest Dr. Who book when I looked up and saw something that made think.

Ok, here is the set up:

Guy 1 (white ((I am not racist, just clarifying)) : Walks up to another guy that he knows apparently.

Guy 2 (white ((still not racist)): 'Hey bro' (I am not close enough to hear what he says and Nicki Minaj is screaming about starships in my ears, so I likely wouldn't have heard what was said anyhow.)

Guy 1: Puts out his fist to get a "bro 5"

Guy 2: Goes for a fist bump

Me: *Gasp!*

Guy 1 & 2 : Have a collision of brotastic  awkwardness.

Guy 1 & 2: Quickly remove their hands as what just happened made them both nervous.

Guy 1 & 2: Say bye and walk away from each other, likely feeling like they will be getting a nasty letter from the bro comity on their poor performance.

Is there no real protocol for this?  I would feel like if I were a bro, I would need to learn the proper ways to successfully pull of a "bro hand greeting interaction."  I mean is there like a wink that you are supposed to give for fist bump, and like a slight shuffle to the right for a bro 5?  I would guess that white guys aren't as good as African American guys because they seem to get it better more frequently...although not always.  The other day a guy went for a hand slap and then slide to the finger tips...everything was going great until the other guy did a snap and explosion!!  The first guy was totally embarrassed because it looked like he had no idea they were on a snap and explosion friendship level.  My heart really went out to him.  I think there should be some type of manual for this; at the very least a pamphlet with do's and don'ts.  I am not saying that I would like to start bro-ing it up with guys from the gym, I am way too much of a germ-a-phobe for that. I would have to end my bro 5, finger slide with a squirt of purell.

Newest nerd shirt

So my newest nerd shirt came from here and I am in love!!  It is a timeline of popular spaceships from random nerdiness.  There is the TARDIS from Dr. Who, the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars, the ship from Battlestar Galactica, real spaceships Soyuz and Columbia, the ship from 2001 A space Odyssey, the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek, and of course the TARDIS again.  Of the ships from nerd shows, I have watched all and was thrilled to see them represented in such a way.  NERDS FOREVER!!

I have gone the extra step (pun intended) of not holding onto the machines when I am doing any cardio at the gym.  Eliptical, stair machine, butt machine (I don't know the name, just that my butt is on fire when I get off of it, hence butt machine) and running of course.  Right after I finish keying everything into the machine and start going, I put my hands on my hips and get ready for the heat!  It sounds silly that simply not holding on to the handles would make that much of a difference, but let me assure you, it does!  Try it out next time you go, your core is really put to the test and you sweat like a pig in heat!

I have more stories, most recently, camping...that will be a long post, in order to accurately portray how it was.

Until next time and shit.

Monday, May 28, 2012

of slobber, dinosaur birds, and fun!

So my parents are here for a while and we decided to head back to Lazy 5 Ranch and we are pretty sure that this will now be a destination we will go back to again and again!  It is so much fun to drive through and have these animals flock to the car like moths to the flame in their attempts to get the prime location to be able to eat out of our feed buckets!  It is literally so much fun to go through there because we are normally laughing and screaming so much because an emu has stuck his head into the car looking for feed, or because a huge bull has decided Chris' car looks like a nice place to visit!  Here are some of the pictures from this trip, Chris has some videos too, so they will be up soon too!

One of my favorite pictures~!

I see a bucket of feed in there.....

Sunday traffic.

This one decided to take his lunch to go.

Trying to call animals to the feed bucket.

It worked!!!

'I want to feast on your soul...I mean these pellets.'

This is a great example of how quickly these things eat (look at the one on the left.) Our dog eats the same way.

Apparently my father is disciplining it.

Even though we all have llama slobber on our hands and on the outside of the car, we are all happy!

This llama was not interested in my dads offering.

Chris was happy that nothing rammed his car :)

Outside the car, what a fun trip!!
Now, the best picture of the day, my mother and I were demonstrating how the animals looked when they were feeding out of our buckets...I think I captured the crazed look in their eyes pretty well...I may have missed my calling~!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

of the many calories of a birthday cake.

Chris asked me what cake I wanted for my birthday and I was undecided, that is, until I passed by the cheesecake factory and noticed that they had a Reese's peanut butter cake cheesecake...
I was actually going to pick a slice up while I was out but got busy talking on the phone and totally forgot to stop before I drove from the area.  Luckily I have an incredibly sweet Mr. because he made a special trip to pick some up!  Now before I go into the shocking part of this blog post, I wanted to let you know just how fudging delicious this cheesecake is!  It is as if you combined a long walk on the beach at sunset with hugging a cute puppy dog and then having a 2 hour massage while having an is that good.  Of course, me being me, I had to look up how many calories this heaven has.......
Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake Cheesecake (The Cheesecake Factory)
Serving Size: 1 slice Calories: 500 Total Fat: 29 Carbs: 56 Protein: 7
So, one piece of cheesecake is more than a quarter of my daily intake...but that still isn't the shocking part.  When Chris comes home, he sets the bag down on the counter, I think that is a big bag, they must pack that stuff well...oh no. 
Chris bought a whole freaking cheesecake!!!!!

 12 slices --> 6000 calories!!!!!
Here is a reference to how big the cake is, it is incredibly tall too!!

I wasn't even able to finish a whole piece last night after dinner.  I have no clue what I am going to do with the rest of it.  I hope it freezes well, because there is no way that I am going to be able to eat this whole thing!!!  I ate the rest of the piece from last night while I was typing this...I am headed to the gym...NOW!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

of my lack of bloggitude.

     As usual, I have been told that I need to end my blog silence as people actually look at this every once in a while, my bad ya'll.  What is new?  Well let's see, today is the day that I emerged from my mother like a rainbow colored butterfly full of sarcasm and nerdlyness.  It seems like it was just yesterday when I was a cute "little" thing running around screeching like a lemur and playing video games until I was told it was time to eat...wait, was that yesterday?  I guess some things never change.  Anyhow, things around the Casa de Chris have been running smoothly, we had to get a new lawn-mower because someone (not me) broke the old one and apparently it can not be saved.  The new one is bigger and more powerful or something like that, I really just nodded my head and looked at the pretty flowers while Chris was talking about them because mowers are about as exciting as watching the elderly sword fight...wait, that might be fun actually.  We also got a new grill, more exciting, food involved, and an outdoor table and chairs.  We have never really had a set of these outside so it is really nice to go out there in the evening with an adult beverage and relax.  We just need to do something about the bug situation...I want to get a bug zapper, but am not sure if that is too hillbilly, or white trash.  You know how you see them in movies in that type of setting...maybe it is just me.
     Uh, my Dr. Who fetish curiosity has really gotten the better of me.  To the point of I have now seen every episode of the most recent series (6 seasons, 82 episodes) and called the cable company to make sure that we get BBC America so I can watch the new season when it starts.  I have also now started getting Dr. Who "things" for the house...nothing gaudy, or weird...just little things.  I am really into the books now too, because I can't watch any new shows, I might as well get my fix that way...oh my, I sound like a drug addict.  Maybe this is a sign...A weird thing about the books is that they are written by British people, obviously.  But I never really noticed it in the shows but British people spell things really weird!  I know from my friend Gillian at work that there are a lot of differences in spelling, but wow!  I just hope that I don't damage my brain with all of the books that I have now, slowly mutating me into some British hybrid. 
     I am out of class for the summer, well half of it anyhow.  I got an A in the one class I took in the spring, good job brain!  I am taking Environmental Geology in the second summer session, and then taking a few more in the fall.  It looks like it will be another long period of classes Monday through Friday and then work most evenings until Christmas...hang in there brain, we will get through this!
     Television seems to remain a major source of consuming a lot of our evening and weekend time, slowly draining all of our life force and turning our brains to jello entertainment, we started and finished a new series, 'The Event' which was pretty good, but we are not certain if they are making any more episodes.  'Man Men' is back on which is always a good thing.  Some of the episodes so far this season have been pretty depressing though.  Glee is almost over. Go ahead, get the laughing out already, but are you really that surprised?  My gay butterfly inner-core couldn't pass up watching a drama about kids singing show tunes!!  But yeah, some of the kids are leaving this year because they are "graduating." Can I call BS on this please?  I mean seriously, these kids are not kids at all, most of them are in their 20's, and it is time to get them out of there, or at least to a more believable age anyhow.
     Speaking of my gayness trendy fashion style, a couple of months ago, I bought a bow-tie...and I have to say, I think I can pull it off pretty well!  I have only had it on once so far, and the picture that was taken was not the best because I was extremely moderately intoxicated at the time.  I will have to take a better picture for you all soon, that just means I need to pull out my handy youtube video showing me how to tie it, don't hate! ;)
      Well, I think I have caught you up on enough things for now, I will try to post more, even if it is more 'normally always against blogging' partner is really putting me to shame with his tumblr recently.  No promises, but I will try.  Later gators!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

of unrelated things.

For a couple of weeks now, at times, we hear strange dog-like noises coming from beyond our backyard.  For those of you that have never seen our backyard, it is pretty big with a lot of trees; the land behind the fence is all wooded with no houses at all.  Well, the noise would get really loud if an emergency vehicle would go by with the sirens going.  It almost sounded like someone was running a puppy mill or something back there, a lot of howling and yipping but only at certain times, completely silent all the rest.  Interestingly enough we got an email from the H.O.A. telling us that people have noticed a pack of coyotes in the area, and that we should all be careful of small ours...and making sure we do not leave them out by we do...because they are known to kill..........We tend to just open the door late at night and let the dogs go out by themselves to go potty the last time before we go to I feel like a jerk!  What if one of my little poopsies was out there peeing on a tree and was shanked by a pack of wild coyote thugs!?!?!  A new law has been put into affect in this household that requires a chaperone to accompany any creature of small size that is going outside to use the restroom.  We have a new war on our hands and can't afford let the young ones get attacked with their pants down.

We leave tomorrow for Tennessee, and the birth of a new baby.  It is going to be an exciting trip full of baby, food, and family!  This will be the first time that I will be there for a baby birth; with my nephew, I flew down while she was going into labor and with 'The Kid' we made is after also.  It shall be an interesting time to see how this whole process plays out.  I imagine waiting a lot in an uncomfortable chair.  I am a little nervous though about being there with Cat being so close to a baby coming out of her...I will likely not touch her as I will be afraid that I will pop her and if I get birthing fluid on me...I would die.  I know that will probably not happen, but one can never be too careful!  I am very excited to see everyone though, apparently premium feed has been prepared for many meals and I will be packing the fudge that I made to bring with us!  Today is the day for packing and getting everything ready for tomorrow, this includes sucking a huge amount of power from the walls as we charge all of our electronic devices and gadgets.  The pups are going to Pet Paradise, so we I will get their lunches together for every day they are there and give them baths so that way they don't get made fun of by their friends in paradise.  Scooter even got a new tag to show how cool he is - hopefully this will raise he street cred.  At any rate, I am very excited to be off from work and to not have to worry about classes for a while!  Hopefully when we come home, we will not have a turf war on our hands with these roaming gangs of coyotes.  Maybe I should spray paint some gang signs on our fence to let them know this is a rival gang...I am pretty good at doing the whole 'west coast' thing with my fingers...maybe I am looking into this whole situation too much......

Thursday, February 2, 2012

of the things I put my junk in.

I went through my closet the other day and got rid of a lot of the clothes that no longer fit me.  One would think that this is a win, don't get me wrong, I am happy that I have lost weight...I just have a much more limited wardrobe now.  Something that a gay could get his club card taken away for.  The one good thing that came from all the organizing is the fact that I now have an idea what essentials I have to re-buy to bring my threads back to acceptable gay standards. 

One area that I am totally NOT lacking in, is my collection of underclothes...I know most of you are anticipating me telling you that I have an updated count of under-oos......well wait no longer my pets, the newest count is..............................169 pairs!!!  Pick your jaw up off the table and stop looking at me like that, you all know I am weird, so just accept it.  I am really trying to find a way to have all of the pairs to be more accessible.  Right now, I have my favorite 30 or so pairs displayed well, but I find that I am frequenting those too much.  I want to be able have them all to where I can easily see the ones that I have.  I should probably go online and find more freaks people like me.  I know there are others, as Lindsey kindly pointed out another blogger that has a similar undie-understanding...even if my collection vastly outweighs his.  I think research is in order, until next time dearies~!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

of my little town of misfits.

The gym is a place that I a hooker would treat her crabs...many times a week.  The time I spend there is often filled with Techno blasting in my ears to drown out the sounds of people grunting and breathing heavily...I think there is a hooker reference in there somewhere.  I tend to get bored easily and the fact that I go so often tends to make me either change up my routine, or the have fun in my mind.  Often times, I name the people, based on how they act, or what they always wear, so I figured I would let you all into my mind to get a glimpse of its.......awesomeness.

-Be warned-

First of all there are the hot guys:
These guys do not tend to have names, as such, more so they are names after body parts...I will let you all use your mind to fill in the blanks as you see fit.

The Pepsi machine refill guy:
He comes in and is always wearing the uniform you see people wearing when they fill up a pepsi machine...there is no logo though, I think he is a poser.

Peter Pan:
The large man (large in an elephant muscle sense) wears a baggy shirt and.............leggings.  They are the type of pants that you would see on like a road biker, tight, tight, tight, spandex style leggings.  Not much is left to the imagination, it is a good thing he wears the baggy shirt, however not all the time.

The snack machine vendor:
Similar to the Pepsi guy, he wears a uniform that reminds me of someone that refills snack machines...again, no logo.

She Ra:
This lady is aptly named, as she is a solid brick, and could probably kill me without breaking a nail or messing up her hair...really scary. 

Elephant Man:
Named for his resemblance to an elephant...he cannot walk well because he is so's really gross.

I named him that because he is the typical old gay guy in the gym that is very obvious when he watches the guys work out...the name Steve just fit for some reason.

This short Hispanic guy has the body shape of a toad-human hybrid...hence the name.

He is an older guy that brings a portable cd player to the gym....yeah....and often hands out cd's of music from his church.

Lady me:
This chick often does the same things that I do and is at the same level of fitness, she is just in lady apposed to me in half lady form.

He smells really bad, some days like body odor, some days worse.  I try to stay away from him as much as I can.

She is a typical Shaniqua, with huge hoop earrings, weave up, nails did, talks on her cell phone while walking on the treadmill, wears loud clothing, and is altogether sassy as all get out.

As is Simmons, he looks and acts like him, no joke, pretty creepy!

He seems to be everyone's friend, whether they know him or not.  His greeting is: "Alright now!" which will illicit the response: "Alright!"  It is many people that respond this way to him, so I am not sure if they all are in the same book club, or if  this may be some type of straight male greeting...either way, I have yet to figure it out.

I know there are more, however I cannot think of them right now.  These are the most prominent that I see on a regular basis, I have others that I really only think of when I see them.  I will try to keep you all updated as my travels to-and-fro the gym.  Looking back at the names, it seems my gym is a colorful place, I wonder what my nickname is?  Surely there is someone out there as strange cool as me!  It is probably something sassy, as I tend to bob my head or really get diva when I am running on the treadmill and a song I like comes on.

The televisions are a whole topic in themselves.  In the cardio area, there are about 10 tv's and the shows they pick often make sense; sports center, cnn, the travel channel.  There are those that are common place for the housewives; Maury, The View, Jerry Springer, the food network.  Often times on the weekend they play cartoons...I have never understood this, as there are not many children sweating to the oldies on the elliptical while watching The Magic School Bus!  Another thing about the tv's, is the fact that all of the commercials seem to be related to food!!  Maybe I am just focusing on those because they are better than watching ads for law offices, but the other day for instance, I was running along, almost to the top of the mountain in 'Kilimanjaro sequence' on the incline step machine, when a commercial for butter came on.  I was freaking mesmerized!!!  Watching the butter drop into a bowl of peas and slowly melt into them, or being spread on bread!!  I felt like I was a zombie and a brain was placed in front of me!! 

Enough type and more action is required now though, I am actually headed to the gym in a few minutes.  I will be able to say hello to all of my colorful neighbors as I grunt and sweat right along with them.  We are a little like that whore house; we have the good, the bad, and the ugly...with a few normal people just trying to pass the time.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

of many things.

of  schooling...
Well, it has been some time hasn't it?  I would first like to apologize for my absence from the blogging realm as I was extremely busy with classes last semester.  I made a poor decision to schedule classes every day of the week, while still working my 45 hours a week, and trying to fit in studying and homework plus the gym.  Let's just say that I didn't have much free time...but that is done now, and the hard work paid off as my GPA has moved to a 3.9 and my head is filled with all kinds of great information about the historical geology of the earth!  I also started my very own fossil collection!  Jealous much!!!! 

Hopefully, this coming semester will not be as nutty as I only have 2 classes.  I am really not looking forward to one of them though because it is the last math I need to take, and Chris and Calculus go together like Michael Jackson and propofol.  Anywhoodles, that is that, hopefully I will not be on here every day complaining about differential equations or other things along those lines, but if I do feel free to give me a virtual slap.

of the gym...
I have been trying to balance what I have been doing at the gym more; when I was training with Melvin, I was focused on losing weight, and I did.  The problem I have now is, I do not want to lose any more weight, so I am now trying to get a more balanced workout and focus on either my upper body or lower body and so far, I think it is making a difference.

This is my new goal body type:
What do you guys think? I hope you all realize I am joking, and that I am so far from this!!  However, my MS paint skills are still top notch, who needs photoshop?!?! 

of long ago me...
I have a bunch of photos of myself as a child and hardly look at them, but when Mom 2 emailed and asked for a favorite picture of me as a child, it forced me to look through them and remember how funny I was as a little bean sprout.  So, without further ramblings, here are some of the gems:

This was the favorite I chose.
I am not really sure why my dad is strangling the dog, or why he appears to be naked...I think he is wearing those "coaching shorts" which were so popular in the 80's....he also had a killer mustache at the time.

The hand, and yes, that is an Alf tank top, jealous much?

My singing career never really materialized.

What type of haircut is that?!

Apparently, I was big on posing.

I am on the right...clearly bored...typical diva.

Work it bit*h!!
As you can see, I was a.....special child.....most of this specialness has gone away now though.  I will try to look for some other gems, I know I have DVD copies of all of my childhood home videos, anyone know how to take snippets from those?
of television...
"Hi, my name is Chris, and I am a television junkie."  They say admitting you have a problem is the first step, well, I know that I do, but the brain melter is so entertaining!!  Chris and I started some new shows and are trying to finish up old series that we have had in our Netflix cue for far too long.

Terra Nova - It's about humans in the future who have ruined the planet and found a portal to go back in time to live during dinosaur time (that would be the mesozoic era, or to be more precise, during the jurassic to cretaceous periods about 80 million years ago.  I have to say though, they are coming up to a part in the history of the earth where there are many periods of glacial and interglacial cycles that they would likely not survive...and don't get me started on the whole meteorite thing.)  Supposedly, the timeline is different from the one our planet followed, so they are basically making crap up from here on.  I know I just got uber geek, but the show is actually pretty good, aside from all of my complaints.

The walking dead - The show is about, really the title pretty much says it all.  Really good show though!

Hell on wheels - Another AMC original, it is about the construction of the railroad and the dramas surrounding it.  There are Indians, harlots, and the "N-word" every 5 minutes.  We have not made our mind up yet, so far, it has not pulled us in.

Dr. Who - Since I am a geek, again there is the admitting thing, I have started to watch this show and I have to say, it is really good!  Chris will have nothing to do with it, but I am hooked!  Serious geeks only.

Hawaii 5O - A remake of the old series, really good!

Prison break - We started watching this a while ago, but season 2 was not as great as season 1.  We managed to get through it and now season 3 is really good!  

I think that might be it for new is pretty sad that these are all new shows, we still have a lot more that we watch regularly.

of books that aren't real...
I got a kindle for Christmas and am now trying to finish up the actual books that I have so I can start reading on the kindle.  I have half of 'The Night Circus' and then the first book of 'The Hunger Games" series to read.  I would gladly accept any tips and tricks from the kindle sisters on the ins and outs of this fabulous new contraption ;)

I think I have blogged enough for now, I will hopefully be updating more soon.  Until then, I will leave you with this: